Charter #11326

Member of Lions Clubs International since 1954
© 2024-25 Etowah Lions Club

Lions are a group of men and

women who are service oriented. Located in 210

countries, over 46,000 clubs with a membership of

over 1.4 million members.

 President Janic Wilcox

The Etowah Lions Club, chartered in 1954, was established by a few key men in the community.  Early on in the history of the club they were all part of the volunteer fire department effort.  Then moving on to establishing a library in the town located close to where the old train depot was located.  During the passage of time the men would have fund raisers to enable them to offer the needed services that our organization is known for, preserving sight.  As the community grew the men decided that it would be a good idea to go out and collect the trash around the sprawled out community.  At that time there was no charge at the land fill and the club accepted donations for the service.  This was also a way to keep people from throwing trash into the French Broad River and the surrounding roads.  In 1974 the club incorporated their trash service and served the local community picking up trash since the mid 60’s until June 2024 . As time went on their efforts to build a club house to meet in was accomplished and that building still sits across the road from Ingles on Highway 64.  It is no longer the club house as they had an opportunity to purchase an old farm not for the purpose of rebuilding the club but establishing a park for the Community (now managed by the Henderson County Parks and Recreation).  That park sits on Etowah School Road and is used by everyone in the community.  They sold their old clubhouse and built a new one over by the park so they could keep an eye on what was going on.   The building is a multipurpose building available to rent for your events.  See the news page for the calendar. The Etowah Lions Club started admitting women into their club as Lions in 2004.  The Etowah Lions Club is community minded concentrating on the needs of sight and serving the sight impaired and blind in the local area.  We concentrate on the youth screening the Elementary Schools in Henderson County catch eye sight issues that could grow worse as a child becomes older.  Early detection is the key to corrective action  enabling our youth to get the best education possible.  Without it they would struggle later on.  We are actively involved with the backpack program at the Etowah Elementary School. If you are interested in serving your community in Etowah we are always  accepting members.  We meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm. Call 828-243-0875 for more information or email   
Etowah Lions Club

Charter #11326

Member of Lions Clubs International since 1954

Lions are a group of men and women

who are service oriented. Located in

210 countries, over 46,000 clubs with

a membership of over 1.4 million


 President Janic Wilcox

The Etowah Lions Club, chartered in 1954, was established by a few key men in the community.  Early on in the history of the club they were all part of the volunteer fire department effort.  Then moving on to establishing a library in the town located close to where the old train depot was located.  During the passage of time the men would have fund raisers to enable them to offer the needed services that our organization is known for, preserving sight.  As the community grew the men decided that it would be a good idea to go out and collect the trash around the sprawled out community.  At that time there was no charge at the land fill and the club accepted donations for the service.  This was also a way to keep people from throwing trash into the French Broad River and the surrounding roads.  In 1974 the club incorporated their trash service and served the local community picking up trash since the mid 60’s until June 2024 . As time went on their efforts to build a club house to meet in was accomplished and that building still sits across the road from Ingles on Highway 64.  It is no longer the club house as they had an opportunity to purchase an old farm not for the purpose of rebuilding the club but establishing a park for the Community (now managed by the Henderson County Parks and Recreation).  That park sits on Etowah School Road and is used by everyone in the community.  They sold their old clubhouse and built a new one over by the park so they could keep an eye on what was going on.   The building is a multipurpose building available to rent for your events.  See the news page for the calendar. The Etowah Lions Club started admitting women into their club as Lions in 2004.  The Etowah Lions Club is community minded concentrating on the needs of sight and serving the sight impaired and blind in the local area.  We concentrate on the youth screening the Elementary Schools in Henderson County catch eye sight issues that could grow worse as a child becomes older.  Early detection is the key to corrective action  enabling our youth to get the best education possible.  Without it they would struggle later on.  We are actively involved with the backpack program at the Etowah Elementary School. If you are interested in serving your community in Etowah we are always  accepting members.  We meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm. Call 828-243-0875 for more information or email   
Etowah Lions Club